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Basmati Rice owes its legacy to the fertile soil of the Western Part of Punjab-Pakistan known for its supremacy over all the existing varieties of the Rice. The word Basmati literally means ‘aroma’ sweet scented’ and ‘perfumed’ and with its such inborn characteristics popularly known as ‘Queen’ of Rice. Owing to its superb inherent qualities it has developed taste and relish among the taste conscious.

Facts on Basmati

This world-beating Basmati variety is painstakingly created by a delicate chemistry. A winning combination of rich alluvial soil washed down from the Himalayas, snow-fed waters, a median temperature of 28-33 degrees Celsius and a minimum humidity of 60%. Timely sowing and transplanting of basmati rice is an important factor in determining grain yield and quality. Sowing is done in the nursery, ideally in the first week of June. Basmati is grown in the kharif season and harvested during September to December. It produces a better aroma when exposed to cool weather conditions when ripening. Basmati's universal popularity is reflected in the doubling of its per capita consumption in the last 20 years. Sub-continent(Pakistan&India), with a global production share, has emerged as a significant beneficiary.

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